A Foundation for Balanced Relationships and Careers

Course Summary

Welcome to the True Self Rising Community, a sanctuary for those seeking to overcome burnout, whether it stems from work or relationships. 

More than just a place of hope, we offer a shared journey of transformation. Your membership grants you access to a wealth of complimentary resources—expert-led trainings, interactive live workshops, and even the deeply therapeutic practice of breathwork. 

Enhance your communication, strengthen your boundaries, and enjoy the added benefit of free, laser-focused coaching sessions designed to help you rediscover and reconnect with your true self. 

For anyone aspiring to recover from relationship strain or work-related burnout, our community is a beacon of support, guiding you back to balance and joy. Embark with us on this healing path and unlock the secrets to a happier, more resilient you.

Mary Ellen Flesher

Hi! I’m Mary Ellen Flesher, Transformational Life Coach and Breathwork Facilitator. I’ve coached hundreds of people, just like you, to use the wisdom of their breath and body in order to heal past wounds, create better habits and improve their lives. 

I’ve been passionate about my own personal growth and spiritual development for nearly 30 years. The desire to heal my past emotional wounding and small traumas, and that of my clients, lead me to study mind/body practices like Breathwork and Somatic (body-based) Coaching. Using the breath and body as portals for transformation has helped me access personal power, confidence and joy I never thought possible. 

My passion for healing the world of unnecessary suffering inspired me to create Your Daily Breather Breathwork Course to help you become more resilient under the pressure of modern life, all while strengthening the spiritual center of your heart. My wish for you is that you access the calm, wise place within, let go of stressors and feel more peace and joy in your life.

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